What On Earth Is The European Brotherhood?

Someone stuck a couple of the stickers shown above on a light pole in the middle of the parking lot where I work some time ago. Though it took awhile for me to get around to looking into it, here goes.

My first question is how exactly this pertains to the location its posted. My workplace is not in Europe (far from it). But maybe the applicability will be found later.
My other (somewhat obvious) question is whether or not this is some sort of anti-immigrant organization.
But I will never know if I do not check. So let’s commence.

From their website’s about us page :

European Brotherhood was founded by a group of European Nationalists who care about the future of their land.
We are seeing, day after day, our land destroyed by unscrupulous merchants without respect for Tradition and Identity of their own people. We wondered what we could do to make a change, to gather under one flag all the people who don’t give up and who fight this System.
So we wanted to create a brotherhood, a brotherhood of men and women.

A European Brotherhood!

European Brotherhood, in fact, will not only promote our own line of clothing. Our project is much more ambitious: we want to give dreams, we want to create hope.
We want to create a link between all the European Nationalists, because only if we are united, nobody can stop us.
For too long, the powerful who rule this world played on the divisions among the European people, spreading hate between the nations, to make us hate each other.
It’s time to say stop to this, and put aside our divisions, gathering under the symbol of the Brotherhood.

European Brotherhood wants to offer a product who creates unity.
Our clothing will be the uniform, the armor for every freedom fighter.

Sons of Europe, Brothers, let’s come together. The Battle has begun.

Uh . . . . dammit.

It appears that we have a clothing line, with a message. A message that may or may not be, exactly what I feared it to be.
By the way, what is a European nationalist? Is that not an oxymoron? Europe is a continent, not a nation.


Well, those photos certainly did not put my mind at ease. In fact, some put my mind somewhere between 1939 and 1945.

But I could be reading to much into this, being outside of the cultural context of Europe. So let us move on, outside of the den of the organization itself.

The next couple of exerts are from a transcript of an American’s speech at an organization called the National Policy Institute’s forbidden “Future of Europe” conference in  Budapest, Hungry. It seems that upper levels of government were not exactly fans of the organization’s views. Let’s find out why.

It is a great honor to be speaking to you today and I would like to thank the sponsors and organizers for making this wonderful occasion possible.

I have many opportunities to speak to my American friends, so I would like to address my remarks to our European comrades.

I am grateful to be able to speak to you in my native language. We Americans are very bad at foreign languages, and I especially thank all of you in the audience who are making the effort to listen to me in what is for you a second or third language.

We are here to talk about the future of Europe. So why am I, an American, speaking to you?

Of course, it is because although I am a citizen of the United States I am a European. My country was founded by men who were, in every important respect, European. Their language, their religion, their culture, their institutions were all profoundly and exclusively European. Their blood was European. My own ancestors were mostly English but some were Scots, Dutch, and French Huguenot.

Europe is my ancestral home, my spiritual and cultural home

Not too much so far.

But why am I talking about race, at a conference about the future of Europe? It is because there can be no Europe without Europeans. There can be no Europe without people like us. Only men of European stock could have built Europe on my continent, and only men of the same stock can preserve Europe on this continent.

Something tells me that the people that I wrote about in my last entry would have a hay day with this. But let’s do this piece by piece. Just because I can.

1.) A Europe without Europeans is simply, a Europe without Europeans. North America does not cease to exist or vanish just because there are no North American’s on the continent.

2.) If the chips were dealt differently, it is entirely possible that some other pigmentation then white (by which I mean European!) could have been running the continent, and doing just as good a job as the current bunch.

a.) When we’re using the word “preserve”, are we talking ecologically? If that is the case, then it is a hard sell for many to swallow worldwide. Even I have to acknowledge that where “Europeans” go, ecological stability tends not to be a priority.

b.) I can think of another way this could be interpreted, but I certainly hope its incorrect. Out of fear of a repeat of history.

The threat to Europe everywhere is very great. As you may know, in 1960, the population of the United States was 90 percent white. Until 1965 the United States had immigration laws that were designed to keep it European. Since that change in policy, non-white immigrants have poured into the United States, and now my country is only 62 or 63 percent white. Current projections are that in just 28 years, whites will be a minority.

My country is rapidly ceasing to be an outpost of Europe, and with catastrophic results. And yet, rather than recognize catastrophe or understand its cause, Americans are determined to believe that catastrophe is not catastrophe–that it is instead a blessing.

Well, that clears things up.

The official ideology of America is that “Diversity is our strength,” and by diversity is meant every possible mix of race, language, religion etc. Many people will tell you that “diversity is America’s greatest strength.”

Of course, diversity is a terrible weakness. It pits different groups against each other and destroys trust. In every part of the world, when peoples who are different in language, religion, or race try to share the same territory, there is conflict. This is virtually a law of nature, but American ideology attempts to rewrite the laws of nature.

Well then . . . .

Language, religion, and race are human-oriented traits. While there is a tendency to have violence in the natural world (with some of our behaviors traceable back to this), that still does not make such acts excusable. Not when we are more aware of such tendencies than any other creatures.

This viewpoint simply accepts and puts aside the reality of irrational conflict, because it’s “natures law”. It is one thing if we were talking about some other species in the animal kingdom (even other types of apes!), but not a species with the intelligence to SEE how irrational these actions are.

This view is as lazy as it is dangerous.

The American worship of diversity is sometimes comical. At one time, General George Casey was in overall command of the American forces in Iraq. He said, and I quote, “I firmly believe that the strength of our army comes from our diversity.” He is saying that the US Army is strong, not because it has better equipment or better training, but because it has blacks and Mexicans and Filipinos in it. This is the sort of crazy thing Americans love say.

The American “diversity” ideology really means national suicide through immigration: the replacement of European people by non-Europeans.

I wonder, where have I heard this before? Only back then it was Communists and Jews destroying the motherland (if memory serves).

Also, Alabama DID outlaw and deport all its “Non-European” immigrants. The result was that the agricultural industry pretty much collapsed after the hardest workers in that sector were all deported out of state. Because as it turns out, down-home murican’s are not nearly as hard working as they tout themselves to be.

“They took our jobs” turned to “Fuck this shit!”.

That was just a snippet from the tail end of the segment, but I highly recommend it to everyone. When I was watching I laughed so hard that I nearly fell off the couch.

I am done with the “speech” noted earlier. You can follow the link and read it if you wish, but as far as I am concerned, I have seen enough to judge it a work of racist propaganda garbage. The civil war (of the US) and WW1 (and 2) are regarded as “unfortunate”, though not for reasons you may be thinking. More, because they pitted “Europeans” against one another and spilled “European” blood needlessly.


And fuck your stupid propaganda stickers, they are coming down. Stick em in public and its someone else’s problem. But though I have disagreements with my workplace, even I have respect enough to not want the business to have even PASSIVE exposure to this toxic ideology.

Fuck you.


It appears that either I forgot to link the source of the speech referred to earlier, or the original source was taken down (and thus the link was broken automatically). But I found it again on Mr. Jared Taylor blog .

Which is unfortunate, since the link may result in a pingback on his end. But whatever.

I stand by my viewpoints as stated before. The views expressed are dangerous and helpful to no one.

And as to those referring to this little write up as propaganda . . .  read Mr. Taylor’s speech.

What On Earth Is The European Brotherhood? Fascism And White Nationalism Revisited






137 thoughts on “What On Earth Is The European Brotherhood?

  1. What a poorly researched article based on nothing more than conjecture and opinion rather than fact. It would have been encouraging if you did a little research into world events before you wrote this propaganda piece.

    Nonetheless it is clear why I cannot find any comments on any of your articles, maybe because nobody actually cares for the nonsense you write. I suppose to you it is fine to have Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, and White Countries for everyone. I suppose you celebrate White Genocide too, because it is all whitey’s fault, right?

    You may have been asleep at the wheel so to speak, while Europe is being flooded with third world illegal immigrants; what exactly do you think the influx of illegal immigrants will create to the demographics of Europe, besides the most obvious which is civil war in Every European Country?

    It is called Jihad, and it will happen soon and it will be extremely bloody. Europe does not need any more wars manufactured by the ruling elites. We say to those who do not want peace FUCK YOU!


    1. No, fuck YOU. You intolerant and willfully ignorant bigot.

      I will not even bother refuting any of your empty accusations. Because what is the point. You can lead a moron to facts, but you can’t make him think.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I say to those who do not want peace FUCK YOU! … your reply is QUOTE “No, fuck YOU. You intolerant and willfully ignorant bigot” END QUOTE…. so it appears that you want war in every European country? … that would mean the slaughter of many innocents on all sides…

        What exactly makes you come to your conclusion that I am a bigot? … is that your way of trying to deflect any critique against your baseless propaganda piece? … You are very quick to hurl names, people usually do that when the truth cannot be refuted in a logical manner…
        QUOTE “I will not even bother refuting any of your empty accusations.” END QUOTE… You claim that I made empty accusations, when in fact I merely explained my opinion and observations…

        You may not agree with this, but everyone has a right to live in their country without being raped, mugged, bashed, or killed. If you think otherwise then you have a very different outlook on life contrary to what normal people have. I suggest you become more tolerant and understanding of all cultures not just your own. Not everyone is of the mindset that, because someone does not agree with them, that they have to call them a bigot or intolerant, but as mentioned it is a method of deflecting critique.. Have a nice day, and enjoy your servitude.


      2. Hello Andy,

        The first names I hurled were because frankly, it fits.
        Your calling my piece “propaganda”. Hardly.

        I was informed of this group passively. I looked into it. And beyond skin deep, I found a bunch of racist neo-nazis. Put as much lipstick on it as you want . . . I still see a pig.

        As for the 2nd one . . . . You say you have read many of my pieces, and note the lack of comments. Fine by me. Most people are idiots and not worth talking to anyway.

        However, I do not take sides. I call out the stupid where ever it comes from. Whether it’s a white supremesist or a progressive.

        I do not care what you think I am doing with my argument (deflecting). I am a blogger, who decided to write my thoughts on a subject. Just as I have for many others.

        It is interesting that my little seemingly insignificant piece of work drew such a responce as to be labeled “propaganda”. Why so defensive?

        Is it that I hit a nerve?

        Liked by 2 people

      3. If you believe that calling me intolerant and willfully ignorant bigot is fitting, you obviously did not correctly read what I wrote, or possibly you just misunderstood before replying. I am anything from willfully ignorant bigot, you never even met me to come to such unfounded conclusions. QUOTE > “I was informed of this group passively. I looked into it. And beyond skin deep, I found a bunch of racist neo-nazis”. “As for the 2nd one . . . .You say you have read many of my pieces, and note the lack of comments. Fine by me. Most people are idiots and not worth talking to anyway”. “I do not care what you think I am doing with my argument (deflecting).” END QUOTE… to me this appears very defensive and hostile… QUOTE > “It is interesting that my little seemingly insignificant piece of work drew such a responce as to be labeled “propaganda”. Why so defensive?” < END QUOTE… I just happened to do a google search and landed on your blog and found it interesting and fitting to explain to you that every one has the right to live in peace, but it appears to you that all these people are "neo-nazis" that to me is very narrow minded backward thinking.

        Did you hit a nerve, not at all. It's just that I am sick and tired of the constant rapes, bashings, murders, wanton destruction of houses and vehicles of the host countries that these illegal immigrants seek refuge in. If I came from a country that is in a bad way, I would do everything I can to fit in with the host country, I would not behave in a destructive supremacist manner and cry discrimination and poverty when the host country supplies everything. The question is when is it enough for the illegal immigrants, is it when there are none of the indigenous populations left, is that when it is enough? or will it be enough when Sharia Law is in place all over Europe, and all the women wear the Burqa? because that is exactly where the situation is heading, and please do not try to tell me that it is not so, because it is so.

        You really need to understand that Europe cannot sustain this rapid influx of illegal immigrants (thousands upon thousands per day) where are they going to go? where will they live? what will they eat? who will pay for them? because in Europe many places have high unemployment. I am looking at this from all angles, not just the feel good angle, we must always take everything into consideration and have a balanced perspective or we are just kidding ourselves.


      4. Did you really just say indigenous populations?
        Though I am not for holding hostage those in the present for the sins of their forefathers, even I look at that statement and shake my head.

        However, it seems we live in very different contexts. But even so, I do not draw conclusions without seeing the whole of the picture. And it seems to me that I am missing something.

        As for me misinterpreting the purpose of the European Brotherhood, maybe. black lives matter contains all sorts as well, from the harmless to the bigoted.

        However, racial based groups are never a good thing. Barriers only increase conflict.


  2. Indeed I certainly did say “indigenous populations”. I am glad that you are not for holding hostage those in the present for the sins of their forefathers, as that is a situation that we truly have no control over. Maybe we do live in different contexts, but as long as we can respect each others point of view (we don’t necessarily need to agree) but to have a civil exchange of opinion is healthy I believe. Who knows you may even get more people to comment on your blog soon.

    At the end of the day I think it is clear that most people naturally tend to gravitate among their own, and they do this because fell comfortable among their own because of the many similarities they share. In every group there will always be extremists and complete idiots. In the 1960’s for example, the Black Panthers, endured persecution by the US government and (COINTELPRO) but the Panthers were disciplined and organised and did many great things for their people. Many of them were educated, and educated politically. They were very successful and that was a threat to the US government, consequently a few members were targeted for assassination by US government. Now the Black Panthers appear to be nothing remotely like to the discipline and organisation of the 1960’s. Now they appear more like street thugs with firearms. As a result of their stupidity a Police Officer recently has been killed. As much as I do not agree with what several Police do, I think death is extreme, since this officer probably has children, and now they have no father.

    Racial based groups who are educated, organised and respectful of other groups, I honestly do not see a problem with, as long as there is the mutual respect, and at no time any loss or impingement of the other groups, or groups way of life. We can all mix with our own and still value other persons and their cultures. Diversity nowadays is becoming anything but. Soon all western countries will have exactly the same demographics with the accompanying Sharia Law. I am not a big fan on owning women. Women have a inherent right to their own freedom to be who they are, and not just what they are meant to be according to a book that was written in the desert. I have personally seen the women in Burqas fully laden like a Donkey, struggling with 4 shopping bags in each hand, while their husband walking behind them has empty hands, and does not offer any assistance, other than by pushing his wife in the back and telling her to move quicker. That does not fit in a civilized society in my opinion.

    Sorry to veer slightly off topic, but it is all interrelated at some junction in time. Europe is in the throws of a brutal civil war and many Europeans are waking up to the vicious reality of that, which is being downplayed by many media outlets at the behest of the Ruling Elites, who want nothing more than total domination, for their New World Order out of chaos. I do not want war and neither do many others, but the Ruling Elite’s love blood, as this is what they have done for centuries.


  3. What a horrible piece. I feel like I just read some 15 year old’s tumblr post. Author should seriously consider finding another hobby.


  4. Jesus, Goebbels would be proud of this tumblr-tier propaganda piece.
    Your skills in defending this piece are little more than ad hominems, you really should consider a new hobby – I suggest one of those adult colouring books.


      1. Cookie cutter in that they’re similar? I suppose that means the problems are being observed the same way by multiple people, seems to add credence to their argument.


      2. Also, if a person thinks that what I wrote is comperable to Nazi propaganda . . . than it speaks volumes. It really does.

        That a little post on the internet seen by few (in the grand scheme of things) is threatening?

        Have some faith in your cause. If some nobody online is a problem, wait until you get into the real world . . .


      1. Why would you donate to a local Mosque other than you’re a terrorist? Do you choose to live under Sharia Law by Muslim rapists and terrorists? Are you a misogynist that hates his own race brainwashed by “White Guilt? Are you just a loser that’s seeking attention you’re unable to find elsewhere? Are you just some random clown SJW that believes in the false God of equality?


  5. Great article, thank you. As a european, still living in europe, i can say, I never before heard about the “Euopean brotherhood” but I instantly thought of that american jail-gang “aryan brotherhood”. The values both of them try to provide seems to be the same.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hadn’t a clue of them either until finding those stickers in my work parking lot. In a way, im glad I found them.

      Had I not found them, this piece would not have been written. And had it not been written, it would not have ended up so high up in the search results of for “European Brotherhood”.As it would happen, just before a big world event would push up interest in the term.

      Good timing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “I hadn’t a clue of them either until finding those stickers in my work parking lot. In a way, im glad I found them.
        Had I not found them, this piece would not have been written. And had it not been written, it would not have ended up so high up in the search results of for “European Brotherhood”.As it would happen, just before a big world event would push up interest in the term.
        Good timing.” < total nonsense and you know it. The only reason it ended up high in the search is because no one else has written anything about "European Brotherhood" (the online nationalist store) http://europeanbrotherhood.com/shop/ other than yourself. Look, I know you can only insult by calling people idiots, and this is only done when you can't refute using clear facts or statistics. What you need to understand is that not all Europeans want to live under a false democracy created by the ruling Elites, nor do we want to live under Islamic Sharia Law.
        You do the corrupt ruling Elites a great service, and the Europeans a great disservice by writing anti-European propaganda articles like the one you have.
        Interestingly you never mention anything about the invasion of Europe by 3rd world degenerate rapist scum, who many happen to be Jihadists (as their photos prove).
        Only God knows the exact number of Muslim terrorists that have managed to sneak into Europe. https://www.darkmoon.me/2016/isis-terrorists-sneak-into-europe-disguised-as-refugees/
        "Between 3,000 and 5,000 so-called ‘foreign fighters’ — EU citizens trained in Islamic state terror camps — have returned to Europe and pose a “completely new challenge,” according the continent’s top police chief. “Europe is currently facing the highest terror threat in more than in a decade,” Rob Wainwright, Europol’s director, told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung daily, warning of the real possibility of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) or other terror groups attacks in Europe. “We can expect ISIS or other religious terror groups to stage an attack somewhere in Europe with the aim of achieving mass casualties among the civilian population,” he said, noting that the risk of attacks by individuals has also not diminished."…..


      2. // “I hadn’t a clue of them either until finding those stickers in my work parking lot. In a way, im glad I found them.
        Had I not found them, this piece would not have been written. And had it not been written, it would not have ended up so high up in the search results of for “European Brotherhood”.As it would happen, just before a big world event would push up interest in the term.
        Good timing.”

        < total nonsense and you know it. The only reason it ended up high in the search is because no one else has written anything about "European Brotherhood" (the online nationalist store) http://europeanbrotherhood.com/shop/ other than yourself. //

        Hardly something I can control.

        //Look, I know you can only insult by calling people idiots, and this is only done when you can't refute using clear facts or statistics. What you need to understand is that not all Europeans want to live under a false democracy created by the ruling Elites, nor do we want to live under Islamic Sharia Law. //

        I will overlook the first part of this. As for the 2ed . . . few in the west would WANT to live under this. Even people like me (that you seem to insinuate would WANT this sort of thing) are not FOR sharia. I am secular. I know what would happen to me and most others I stand with if we dared set foot in that nation.

        But I can have these positions without being completely unsympathetic to those in genuine humanitarian need.

        // You do the corrupt ruling Elites a great service, and the Europeans a great disservice by writing anti-European propaganda articles like the one you have.
        Interestingly you never mention anything about the invasion of Europe by 3rd world degenerate rapist scum, who many happen to be Jihadists (as their photos prove).//

        1.) Who are these corrupt ruling elites?

        Serious question. It seems that every time I see the reference, the \elites/ to which they refer are never the same group(s).

        2.) The immigration thing never came up because it was not on my radar at the time that this was written. This mass immigration stuff just happened to occur a little later after publishing.

        Good timing.

        //Only God knows the exact number of Muslim terrorists that have managed to sneak into Europe. https://www.darkmoon.me/2016/isis-terrorists-sneak-into-europe-disguised-as-refugees/ //

        And only Allah knows how many people on home soil of western nations have been radicalized by materials found on the internet. These homegrown individuals have also been at the helm of a number of attacks all over the west.

        If a few attacks is justification for halting all immigration from the middle east, does that mean that the internet should be cut off entirely? Or would that be an over-reaction, given the rare nature of these attacks in the grand scheme of things?

        // "Between 3,000 and 5,000 so-called ‘foreign fighters’ — EU citizens trained in Islamic state terror camps — have returned to Europe and pose a “completely new challenge,” according the continent’s top police chief. “Europe is currently facing the highest terror threat in more than in a decade,” Rob Wainwright, Europol’s director, told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung daily, warning of the real possibility of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) or other terror groups attacks in Europe. “We can expect ISIS or other religious terror groups to stage an attack somewhere in Europe with the aim of achieving mass casualties among the civilian population,” he said, noting that the risk of attacks by individuals has also not diminished."….. //

        Umm . . . no kidding.

        There has ALWAYS been risk of jihad attacks on the west. And there always will be. 9/11 just happened to be the one that scared the pants off of many, being that it was not on some base or at some foreign embassy . . . it was right on Americas (and, the west's really) doorstep.


      3. Also, I decided to follow the article you posted to its source, for verification purposes. A bit difficult, since it was in German. But I found all of this.

        1.) The European police authority Europol has warned of major terrorist attacks by the terrorist Islamic state (IS) in Europe. In a conversation with our editorial team, Europol Director Rob Wainwright said: “Europe is currently facing the greatest terror threat in more than ten years.

        The attacks of Paris last November have shown, according to Wainwright, that the IS has received an international dimension. “It is to be expected that the IS or other religious terrorist groups will make an attack somewhere in Europe – with the aim of achieving high losses among the civilian population.” It is not always just groups, but individual individuals. Wainwright said, “In addition, the risk of individual assassins exists, which has not diminished.”

        Die europäische Polizeibehörde Europol hat vor groß angelegten Anschlägen durch die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) in Europa gewarnt. In einem Gespräch mit unserer Redaktion sagte Europol-Direktor Rob Wainwright: „Europa steht momentan vor der größten Terrorgefahr seit mehr als zehn Jahren.

        Die Anschläge von Paris im vergangenen November haben nach den Worten von Wainwright gezeigt, dass der IS internationale Dimension bekommen habe. „Es ist zu erwarten, dass der IS oder andere religiöse Terrorgruppen einen Anschlag irgendwo in Europa verüben werden – mit dem Ziel, hohe Verluste unter der Zivilbevölkerung zu erreichen.“ Es müssten dabei nicht immer nur Gruppen sein, sondern es gehe auch um Einzeltäter. Wainwright sagte: „Zusätzlich existiert die Gefahr einzelner Attentäter, diese hat sich nicht verringert.“

        2.) According to Europol, there are 3,000 to 5,000 Europeans who have gathered camouflage in a terror camp, some of whom have returned to Europe or are still resident in other countries. “The growing number of these foreign fighters poses new challenges for the EU countries,” said Wainwright. This term refers to EU citizens who travel to Syria for terrorist purposes and then return.

        Nach Schätzung von Europol gibt es 3000 bis 5000 Europäer, die in einem Terrorcamp Kampferfahrung gesammelt haben, und zum Teil nach Europa zurückgekehrt sind oder sich noch in anderen Staaten aufhalten. „Die wachsende Zahl dieser ausländischen Kämpfer stellt die EU-Staaten vor völlig neue Herausforderungen“, sagte Wainwright. Mit diesem Begriff werden EU-Staatsbürger bezeichnet, die zu terroristischen Zwecken etwa nach Syrien reisen und dann zurückkehren.

        3.) According to Europol, the influx of refugees from Syria to Europe does not necessarily increase the risk of terrorism. Wainwright said, “There is no concrete evidence that terrorist travelers systematically use the flow of refugees to go undeclared to Europe.” In January, Europol launched a European counter-terrorism center that collects information centrally and links police officers together. At the EU summit, the Heads of State and Government discuss solutions to the refugee crisis.

        Der Flüchtlingsstrom aus Syrien nach Europa erhöht nach Einschätzung von Europol die Terrorgefahr nicht unbedingt. Wainwright sagte: „Es gibt keine konkreten Hinweise darauf, dass terroristische Reisende systematisch den Flüchtlingsstrom nutzen, um unentdeckt nach Europa zu kommen.“ Europol hat im Januar ein europäisches Anti-Terror-Zentrum eröffnet, das Informationen zentral sammelt und die Polizeibehörden miteinander vernetzt. Beim EU-Gipfel beraten die Staats- und Regierungschefs über Lösungen in der Flüchtlingskrise.

        All that from the article linked to by the darkmoon one, shared by you.


        Tells us an interesting story.


      4. I have just two questions for you:
        One: do you believe that all peoples have the right to live in peace with dignity?
        Two: do you believe that nations should not fight senseless wars for globalists?
        Your answers will determine the strength or weakness of your character.


      5. You don’t have anything to prove to me, because you can’t answer two basic questions. Lack of character is usually highlighted by those with inherited supreme intelligence.


      6. I could answer them if I wanted to. But I don’t have to.

        You already have your answer, without me saying anything.


    2. Enjoy your servitude under Sharia Law you brainwashed Marxist fool. I just hope your Mother, Sisters, Daughters, and pets don’t get raped in the process of you worshiping the God of false equality.


      1. I would rather be a good person and and human being than a racist asshole.

        Stick that somewhere.


        Your choice.


      2. mbman says:
        May 9, 2017 at 4:32 pm

        I would rather be a good person and and human being than a racist asshole.

        Stick that somewhere.


        Your choice.

        “Racist asshole” < how original, coming from a Marxist tool. The day of the rope is coming. You better believe it pal. If you don't know what I mean, google it you NWO stooge.
        You would rather be a good person? Really? That's why you want Europe to be a 3rd world continent.
        You Marxist fools are clearly deluded by being radicalized and misled by your handlers.


      3. mbman: your rebuttals are rather pathetic and nauseating. Surely, you must know that the Elite never change and are infact the same criminal cartel that have created almost every war in history, thereby dividing the nations and the people, while they steal all the natural resources and sell it to their buddies on Wall St. Surely you can’t be so naive or just willfully ignorant? Surely, you have heard of the International Banks run by the criminal Elite called The Rothchilds? Are you really that naive, or just willfully ignorant, just another brainwashed Marxist tool of the NWO system of global slavery perhaps? Wake up before it’s too late for you. Speaking the truth is not a crime yet. Wake up!


  6. I’m with you in that I think the European Brotherhood and what it represents is horrendous. Where you lose me is while you stick up for diversity and tolerance, you think nothing of using Jesus Christ’s name in vain. I’m sure you wouldn’t have done that with any other religion but Christianity is free reign, right? It makes you look hypocritical.


    1. In truth, I am not against using any religious figure’s name in vain. In this case, its mainly because Jesus is the cultural norm in the west. Hence I am more likley to say “Jesus F****** Christ!” than any other religious variant.

      But I agree, it takes away from the overall message of the entry, and creates an unnecessary barrier where none would otherwise exist. Hence I decided to edit that part out.


  7. mbman says:May 10, 2017 at 2:09 am > “I could answer them if I wanted to. But I don’t have to.”… “You already have your answer, without me saying anything.”… < Your logic is incredibly illogical.

    One day, when you actually grow up, you may even see the irrefutable (global) truths without rose colored glasses on. I wish you all the luck in the world because clearly you are going to need all the help you can get.


    1. \\ Your logic is incredibly illogical. //

      Do not use the word logic. Just . . . don’t.

      Also, not really. Your last comment showed an assumption made of me based on my choice not to answer your silly questions. Ide say I was spot on.

      \\One day, when you actually grow up, you may even see the irrefutable (global) truths without rose colored glasses on. //

      See what I mean? You did it again.

      \\ I wish you all the luck in the world because clearly you are going to need all the help you can get.//

      Alrighty then.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep. The traffic to this has spiked since middle eastern problems started knocking on Europe’s door, and still remains up. And I suspect it may be so for awhile longer yet.
      SOme think it a reaction to events of recent.

      Nope. I just found some stickers and followed a trail of racist breadcrumbs. Coincidently about 6 months before the white race would find itself threatened. Which must be the case, since this has been labeled propaganda.

      Fortunately, however, despite the high traffic volume, most are quiet. One wonders if many are the quiet majority of your most recent post.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I think in using the phrase “european nationalists” he’s referring to nationalists from Europe belonged to their respective nations. I find it interesting you think one group of people is wrong in wishing to preserve their DNA heritage, but applaud other ethnic groups for sticking together and identifying with their cultures. Say what you will but I see what’s happening hate


    1. Mate, you hit the nail on the head. These SJW’s will understand one day they’ve been played like a fiddle, by the Zionist Elite to self destruct. The true European is proud of their unique heritage, language and culture. There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your own race). Every race has a right to preserve their culture and to self determination (except the European man). I’m not responsible for what happened centuries ago. These Cultural Marxists should all be tied to a tree and bitch slapped back to reality like the brain dead indoctrinated useful idiots they are..


      1. Oh, I got it a long time ago. It it you folks that are in denial.

        Its all identity politics . . . unless it involves us cool aryans. Its about pride and heritage!

        You’re all ridiculous.


      2. Far out mate, are you on drugs, or are you just naturally Bi-Polar? Do you even read your own comments before you post them? You are all over the place like a freaking Yo-Yo. You totally destroy every point you are trying to make by obfuscating the truth plus your silly infantile manipulations. Keep playing your game as if you are some type of intellectual, which clearly you are not. You make me laugh, really you do. I can see the humor in your posts and comments, you are as funny as a hat full of assholes, and the same intelligence. Well done mate, keep going!


      1. No. That was in reply to a previous comment with this amusingly wrongful observation.

        // I find it interesting you think one group of people is wrong in wishing to preserve their DNA heritage, but applaud other ethnic groups for sticking together and identifying with their cultures. //

        Hence I asked where I had said this, because it seems out of character. All identity politics is rediculous to me, so you won’t find me picking and choosing. That wasen’t for you.


      2. Even though you may not of said exactly what was being directed at you, I can understand where the commenter is coming from. If a person, any person for that matter, knocks down the Europeans for wanting to preserve their Culture and Identity, it can only be perceived (and rightly so) that all the other races are without any discrimination, or condemnation whatsoever. Yes, I can understand the point of the other commenter, just maybe they didn’t express themselves effectively?


      3. First off, I doubt the commenter read anything aside from this piece before making that assumption. It is very typical of this type of person (dare I say, SJW). If it even looks like opposition, it must be the hypocritical SJW reaction. So, therefore, it shall be tackled as such. Which is funny, since one of my very first entries have me coming out AGAINST reparations, and I think that I have outlined how ridiculous I think ethnic “pride” is on more than one occasion (along with an explanation of how not all ethnic pride is automatically racist. Though it can go in that direction).

        Do I expect someone to comb through over 4 years (and over 400 posts) worth of material just to get to know who they are dealing with? No. I have run into that with other bloggers, and thus I know how ridiculous of an expectation it is. That said, however, if someone wants to make their voice heard here in the comments, I will more than likely respond. Even if that entails making one look like a silly fool.

        But moving on, pride and heritage is one thing. However, what this post is based on is much more insidious than that. To quote (or possibly paraphrase) Mr. Taylor, “Europe is not Europe without Europeans”. Or the more to the point “The American “diversity” ideology really means national suicide through immigration: the replacement of European people by non-Europeans.”. It’s dangerous and far more harmful than merely waving the flag of whiteness with pride.


  9. I just came across one of these stickers at a bus stop today in England so decided to see what it was about. The reactions to your comments more than your actual comments have revealed the truth to me. Whenever a right wing racist comes up against opposing views these days that person is immediately labeled a marxist in the pay of or brainwashed by some kind of jewish communist global elite. That is exactly what has happened here. You never made one mention of your political views, race or religion but were attacked by these apologists just the same for questioning this organizations views and simply pointing out the obvious fact that it looks like they could be right wing racists. I live in Europe and even know a couple of Muslims, there is really no fear of Europe being overrun or Sharia law being implemented here apart from the propaganda being spouted by people like this. And Europe has been at peace for possibly the longest time in its history thanks to a tolerant and inclusive nature that resulted from world war 2, which remember was started by a small marginalized right wing movement very similar to what we are seeing here. Thank you.


    1. Mr Andrew French, before you pull out the “abused and overused” Marxist “racist card” out, try speaking the truth for once in your life. Even a simpleton will not believe your lies and complete nonsense talk, you are seriously spreading nothing but lies. Even a blind Freddy knows all about the (Sharia Law Controlled) No Go Zones all over Europe, where Ambulance personnel need 2 Police cars to escort them, because if they don’t they get set upon by violent Muslim gangs. I really hope that people like you will end up having everything done to you, that the innocent Europeans are having done to them by, the Globalists and “Marxist traitors like you” that are on the George Soros payroll.
      Tell me, how are your “Gender Diversity” courses paying off for you? I say bring back Capitol Punishment, and then all this garbage will be dealt with overnight. It would be so simple, you murder: you die, you rape: you die, you touch little kids: you die, you steal: you get locked up forever to listen to Dolly Parton music forever “The police definition describe these districts as socio-economically vulnerable areas with a generally high crime rate. In an especially vulnerable area there are also often parallel societal structures, religious extremism and police regularly have to adapt their methods to the volatile situation. Residents also often do not report crimes, either out of fear of retaliation or because they think it will not lead to anything.”
      http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-28934963 “A report commissioned in the wake of revelations that “at least” 1,400 children were sexually exploited in Rotherham has branded the local authority “not fit for purpose” and left it facing takeover by government commissioners. How did it reach this point?”
      https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/663657/Mafia-bosses-declare-war-man-shot-as-immigration-levels-in-Sicily-rise “MAFIA bosses have ‘declared war’ on migrants and a man was shot in the head as thousands of new refugees pour into their Sicilian paradise each day.A young refugee was shot through the head in the street as the deadly turf war wages throughout Palermo’s streets after the influx of migrants flooded the city. The feared Costa Rostra Mafia gang are now battling to stay on top after African crime gangs have started operating in the city. Now residents are fearing the violence could turn into a bloodbath. Sine January, immigration has soared by 90 per cent – with the migrant population in Ballaró, where the shooting took place, rising from five to 25 per cent.”
      Mr Andrew French, OMG the truth of what is happening in Europe is to you “right wing racist”. You Sir, play the Marxist “Racist Card” well, and you have proved to be an anti-European “Left Wing Marxist” that serves the international Jewish bankers, who are destroying Europe and the world with usury, unsustainable debt, depravity, drugs, etc.


      1. “My ideology is showing.?” < how old are you 12? What exactly is my ideology based on the facts I have provided? You keep digging yourself a hole bigger and bigger because you are intellectually bankrupt, and most readers can see this. The Frankfurt School definitely did you no favors, as your ignorance is astounding, which is exactly what the Globalists want. Read "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars" for a well known government document on what the Elite parasites have planned for us (including you champion) !!! http://www.whale.to/b/silentweapon.html


      2. It is a fact, mud never sticks to those intellectually superior. You have accepted your defeat as a honorable human being, which shows that you are not beyond saving. I wish to live in peace just like you do. It is the Elite parasites that make endless wars for their selfish profit while the innocent nations bleed financially and physically. Have you seen this? > OIC declares East Jerusalem capital of Palestine, urges US to withdraw from peace process > https://www.dailysabah.com/diplomacy/2017/12/13/oic-declares-east-jerusalem-capital-of-palestine-urges-us-to-withdraw-from-peace-process < Palestine will soon be free. I have been waiting for this since the first Intifada. I wholeheartedly wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Peace be to everyone, Christian, Muslim, and Jew!


      3. Well, that told me I suppose. Kinda proves my point really. I live in Europe am not a Marxist and had never heard of George Soros till people started saying he was probably funding me, don’t know why you bring up sexual orientation, is there something your not telling us? Some people will fall for anything if it seems to back up their ill informed beliefs. Sorry to upset you but there are no no-go zones round here, dont know about Sicily, I dont live there, do you? How do you know that what you are being told is the truth cos some of it just doesn’t add up. You really should question more cos you are being lied to.


      4. Mr Andrew French, don’t tell me you are you denying the Rotherham sex scandal in which 1400 young British girls were systematically sexually abused for over 16 years and the Police did nothing for fear of being called racist.> http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-28939089 Or are you denying that 2,000 men ‘sexually assaulted 1,200 women’ at Cologne New Year’s Eve party > http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/cologne-new-years-eve-mass-sex-attacks-leaked-document-a7130476.html > LEAKED: The number of ‘no-go zones’ in Sweden increases – Police report > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNEZQTSJv4Y
        this same shit is happening all over Europe. What exactly does not add up to you, do you need a calculator? We need to drop you and the other idiot that sarcastically authors this blog in one of the no-go zones in Europe, so you can learn first hand what your stupidity equates to. No, I have not been lied to because I don’t believe the Zionist controlled media I believe the truth of the European victims. Marxism is for faggots. Now call me a racist and a nazi why don’t you, that’s exactly how you Marxists try to silence free speech. Marxists are indoctrinated brain-dead moronic foot-soldiers for the tyrannical (NWO) New World Order, and now most people all over the world are understanding this fact, and that Communism/Marxism is the biggest threat to humanity, freedom, and world peace..


      5. Alright:

        1.) Racist braindead Nazi.

        Nah. Pseudo-Nazi. Im not going to give you that much credit.

        2.) I guess I am the free speech policing exception to your rule.

        3.) Sure! I would LOVE to be dropped in one of those zones. If I get shanked, then we all know who was the fool.


      6. Unless I had an AK-47 and at least 1000 rounds, I certainty would not want to be dropped off in one of the no go zones, for example, in Marseilles (France), or in Malmö (Sweden) or any of the hundreds of (Sharia Law) no go zones all over Europe, which are being colonized, mainly by extreme Muslim fundamentalists. To be “shanked” is one thing, but to be gang raped and beaten to death is another. Your blasé attitude will get you killed, and as we know, talk is cheap. One thing I must say is, at least you publish what is written from all sides, so in all fairness I must respect that, even if I cannot respect your skewed opinion of events, and facts, you refuse to accept, which can only be viewed as contemptuous and racist toward the innocent Europeans.


      7. mbman “You mean innocent white Europeans? Let’s be honest here.” end quote. Are you suggesting that the 1400 British girls were not innocent and deserved to be sexually assaulted for 16 years? Are you suggesting that the European that walks home after working a long day is not innocent and deserves to get mugged and assaulted?

        It is you that needs to be honest because you have absolutely no morals nor empathy for the innocent (unless of course they are non Whites). It is you that is the profound racist, racist to indigenous Europeans.

        I do not know why I bother with you because you have the intelligence and empathy of a bar of soap, and for fuk sake, the soap has been debunked (you know what I mean).

        You truly disgust me because you are morally corrupt, with nothing in your heart but hate, and contempt for all Europeans (even the innocent) as you have just alluded to, in your last hateful comment.

        Tell me: how long were you brainwashed in the indoctrination camps, also known as the education system?

        I have no patience for you anymore, the only thing you deserve is the rope, and that day will come soon for everyone like you, because you condone rape of innocent little British girls, and the murder of innocent Europeans! Shame on you!

        You are a filthy disgusting pathetic mere shell of a human being, and you dare say you are Canadian. I have been to Canada 4 times, and all my family, and Canadians I know never behave like the animal you are.

        Now you can do the usual Marxist nonsense, and call me a racist and Nazi for wanting to live like a civilized human being. By the way, are you still attending all those Antifa protests you love so much? I bet that “Squatting Slav” would love to interview you for youtube to highlight your stupidity.


      8. Your writings reveal again and again, exactly what your real intentions are which is to cause disunity among the races. No more wars for psychopathic Zionist Jews and that (STOLEN) genocidal state in the middle of the desert called Israel.


      9. I reveal this again and again in my writings?

        I would normally ask you exactly where exactly I am doing this. But I am to busy trying to figure out how zionist jews fit into this thread.


      10. Of course I know about Rotherham, I do live in the same country, just don’t know what it has to do with your argument apart from the fact that the men involved in this case were from an Asian background! What are you trying to say? Without being racist? What about the BBC sex scandals and cover ups? Or the government sex scandal cover up where a well known mp was said to have actually killed a young boy? Gary Glitter? Jimmy Savile? None of these or many other similar cases involved men from Asian backgrounds so why do you keep going on about this one? Do you not have a problem with the Catholic church and their long known systematic sexual abuses and cover ups while we’re on the subject? And I say again, I’m not a Marxist. Why is it ok for you to call me that but you get upset and wet your knickers if someone calls you a fascist or racist?
        And what doesn’t add up is where you are getting your facts from. I know there are no no-go zones here because I live here, the closest we have are some rough, downtrodden and dilapidated council estates where police are sometimes slightly reluctant to go at night without back up due to poor working class mostly white youths and petty criminals who hang around in gangs looking intimidating. Not Moslems. In fact there is a mosque just down the road from me so I see lots of moslems and in the last couple of years I have seen a noticeable effort by them to be extra nice and polite to other people so they can see that the fundamentalist terrorists types are a tiny minority and don’t represent them or their beliefs.
        I’m not gonna talk about other countries cos I don’t live there so don’t know all the facts but judging from where you get your facts I wouldn’t believe it anyway.
        Remember when the right wing media was saying Soros was funding the occupy movement and ended up having to retract and print the fact that he wasn’t? Cos he wasn’t? Can’t you see they are trying to do the same thing? He helped bring about the fall of the USSR and bring democracy to eastern bloc countries but apparently he’s a communist. The Israeli state have called him anti-semitic but he is part of a zionist attempt to bring about a new world order. WAKE UP!

        Liked by 1 person

      11. Thank you for that clarification (of sorts) in terms of the more Europe/UK centered stuff. It’s good to have that here with the rest of these comments.

        I didn’t know what on earth he was on about. But I generally don’t take the oppisition coming in this post to seriously anymore to begin with.


      12. Despite living in Canada, I’ve pondered a trip to Europe/Britain just for the purpose of finding some of these zones. What I do know is a co-worker of mine has been all over Germany last year (his lady has family in Deutschland) and never came across anything remotely similar to what I keep seeing all over non-European right wing media. And I do mean all over Germany. It’s easy to cover the entire nation when it fits in a small part of one of our provinces.


  10. First things first, your grammar is awful, get an editor. Second, news articles are supposed to be about facts. Instead of getting facts, we got your opinion about something that had absolutely nothing to do with the article. I still have NO idea who this ‘European Brotherhood’ is. Lastly, I know this is from 2 years ago, but it had to be said. I hope you’ve changed your journalism strategy.


  11. European brotherhood are indoctrinated brain dead moronic foot soldiers for the global elite who own the media and fund the democratically elected conservative parties that run our nations so they look the other way when they evade paying their taxes commit massive fraud sexually assault young women and sell armaments to the sick wahibbist saudis who then hand the weapons over to isis or use them on small neighbouring countries for not being extreme and evil enough and they don’t even really try to hide it. Or there is a secret conspiracy of extremely rich jewish communists trying to bring about a new world order and for some reason also helping to make europe an islamic sharia state. There it is. Can you not see how crazy your argument sounds? They control the media but there are laws in place to stop them spreading lies and propaganda in print, they can say whatever they want on the internet though and that is exactly what they are doing because they want us to be fighting amongst ourselves and hating people we’ve never met. It’s how they work and it is called fascism. I’m only gonna say it once more, I am not a marxist, that is just what you have been lead to believe I must be for taking offence to fascists putting up stickers in my neighbourhood and you can’t think of any other explanation, things are never that simple and black and white but the real complexities in life I suppose are just too difficult for some people to understand.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s beyond asinine how these pretend “impartial people” take such offense to a small group of Europeans who just want to defend their families and protect their identity and culture from extinction. These so-called pretend “impartial people” quickly resort to the names that the Marxists have taught them, like, Fascist, Nazi, and the infamous “Racist” word developed by Marxist Jew called Leon Trotsky, to silence free speech. You can obfuscate the truth all you want, but fact remains, Europe has terror attacks every week, this never happened before third world sewerage was pumped into Europe by the Zionist Elite to destabilize all the nations for their total control tyrannical (New World Order). You take offense to Fascism and Nazism. I take offense to (useful idiots) = Marxists, that do every despicable act against the home population in the nations in which they reside. You did yourself no favors in writing this last comment which has strong undertones of “mbman”. You write with no substance, you can’t refute one thing I have written as the events that took place are well documented. Silly fool, keep enjoying your slavery, soon you will be hanging in a tree, that’s called democracy, and most people actually believe it exists..What are you Racist?


      1. I started this journey impartial and curious. But when I learned more and unposed the ugly underbelly of what your ideology had to offer, I took a side.

        The one who is using the most names here, is you. Not either of us.

        And here again, you drone on and on about freedom of speech. Missing the fact that I leave anything you (and anyone else) wants to contribute here for anyone dropping by to see. Frankly, because you make my/our arument far better than any of us could even hope to.

        And if I can be PERFECTLY honest, if THIS is the best that the so called supreme culture of the brotherhood of Europeans can produce . . . than it is high time to get out with the old, and in with something else.


      2. all this because of a sticker? Yeah right! So then, what “exactly” is my ideology? Is wanting to live in peace, and defend my identity an ideology to you? Your type love to place labels when you know nothing about me nor about most people. You just generalize constantly as if you are the enlightened fact bearer. Most people know now about (NWO), The Kalergi Plan, The Protocols, Silent Weapons For Silent Wars, The Report From Iron Top Mountain, The Bilderberg Group, Agenda 21, Club Of Rome, The Vatican, The Jesuits, etc. These are all total control systems being used to bring about the (NWO) one world government. These are all well documented and easily searchable on the Internet. The world is truly sick and is in urgent need of a cleansing, starting with all the anti-Whites destroying civilization. It’s well known that the biggest racists are the ones that call everyone else racist. < Another Marxist ploy in double speak speech manipulation. I'm very curious now, what is it that made you so anti-White, were you refused sex, or did you get beat up by an old White lady? I do think it's time you come clean, and explain to the readers that this article you wrote is because you are vehemently anti-European and extremely anti-White.The utopia you seek is that of the tyrannical NWO. You made it clear again and again that you are fine with European Genocide, that makes you an undesirable psychopathic person.


  12. Andrew French – “Of course I know about Rotherham, I do live in the same country, just don’t know what it has to do with your argument apart from the fact that the men involved in this case were from an Asian background! What are you trying to say? Without being racist?” < Facts are not racist, facts are impartial unlike yourself and "mbman". The men that sexual abused British girls for 16 years were of Pakistani Muslim origin. Your pointing the finger at me because they are classified as Asian does not hold water. Rape is rape, no matter who does it, be it the Catholic Church, Protestant Church, Celebrities, Politicians, etc. Can't you understand that rape is rape no matter who does it. So which one are you, a Muslim apologist, a SJW, or a cucked Brittish Marxist?
    None of your arguments hold water, you are trying to equate one crime with another as if one crime has less significance than the other. It's like me saying, my Mother was killed, then you say, your Mother was killed. It's not a competition, nor is it a game. You can lie, and deny, all you want, fact is, there will be streets of blood in our lifetime, and there's nothing you or I can do to stop it!


  13. What are you talking about? You say I’m wrong then make exactly the same point I did, rape is rape, whether perpetrated by muslims, catholics or whatever, that’s what I said!. But it doesn’t hold water. What? I’m not a muslim apologist, I hate wahabism actually, unlike your president who tries to stop moderate muslims from entering your country then says he’s great friends with the saudis who are the most extreme evil mediaveil muslims on the planet but it’s ok cos they have lots of oil and are rich so you can be friends and sell them weapons to give to isis and oh yeah, most of the 9/11 attackers were from saudi but hey lets just invade afghanistan and iraq and create more terrorists in the process, we can make money off this guys. Don’t know what sjw means and don’t really care, no doubt more of your conspiracy theorist believing puppet bull, try to look up to see who’s pulling your strings. Cucked? is that a spelling mistake or just a word you made up? I had heard of this dumbing down of the population theory that they have over there but wasn’t convinced till I read the stupidness you have been posting here. And pulling out right wing tory mp enoch powells famous speech I can only see as a desperate and forlorn attempt to make people think you actually have some intelligence but sadly it falls short as he made the speech in 1968 claiming if we didnt stop immigration straight away there would be rivers of blood in our lifetime and long before the end of the century! Well the end of the century is coming up on 18 years ago and it hasnt happened yet has it? More of the fear mongering lies you keep falling for. And wait, after this I might give up on you but “there’s nothing you or I can do to stop it!” Thats a bit defeatist isn’t it? And if thats how you feel then why are you even making all this fuss? Well at least you finally admitted to thinking mbman had some semblance of intellect. Was it the fact he forgot to or couldnt be bothered to rectify his mistake of leaving an “o” out of too or asking about zionist jews that caused your woe? I’m still trying to get my head round billionaire communists.


    1. “I’m not a muslim apologist, I hate wahabism actually, unlike your president who tries to stop moderate muslims from entering your country then says he’s great friends with the saudis who are the most extreme evil mediaveil muslims on the planet but it’s ok cos they have lots of oil and are rich so you can be friends and sell them weapons to give to isis and oh yeah, most of the 9/11 attackers were from saudi but hey lets just invade afghanistan and iraq and create more terrorists in the process, we can make money off this guys.” “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East > https://www.globalresearch.ca/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/5324815 > Call me “dumbed down” all you like, truth is I’m more awake when I’m asleep then when you are awake. In other words my ability to think critically with an open mind is something which you have unfortunately not been able to master yet fully, there’s hope for you, it takes time!


      1. Calm down guys, come on. Thanks for not calling me a marxist, I do actually dislike marx to be honest. Maybe had a couple of good ideas for the time if they had been implemented properly but he didn’t like criticism even if it was meant well, kropotkin saw holes in his theories early on and pretty much predicted exactly what would happen in russia about 30 years before the revolution even started. Marx took exception to kropotkin’s argument and believed that a revolution by the proletariat against the ruling class would not just result in a different ruling class taking its place. And we know what happened. So can you now please stop with the marxist name calling and move forward. And lets stop with all this who’s more intelligent and who’s brainwashed, I just don’t believe there is a worldwide ZOG, NWO or whatever and do not understand why if they did exist they would support europe becoming a sharia muslim state. It just sounds ridiculous to me but you are entitled to your beliefs so whatever. I have never mentioned my political stance once, you have just concluded i must be some kind of communist lefty liberal and you haven’t actually said this but others have called me a “do gooder” as if its a bad thing and i want to bring this up. What is wrong with trying to do good and make the world a better place? As for politics, i guess i may be a bit of a socialist but that is mostly because i do quite like the teachings and sermons attributed to a guy that was around about 2000 years ago called Jesus Christ. It is pretty obvious if he was around today he would be called a socialist with his ideas about loving your neighbour sharing and caring and providing for those less fortunate. He preached about love tolerance understanding and peace not about hate bigotry intolerance and greed. I dont believe i am a christian and certainly don’t belong to or follow any church, i do wholeheartedly believe though that the catholic church in particular, with fat greedy lazy bishops and clergymen living in luxurious golden palaces while people starve outside would disgust Christ himself and even more that it is being done in his name.
        We need to move forward and try to evolve but some people seem to be holding us back, try and catch up please your slowing us down.
        I am not a pretend impartial person and i am actually a european so know what is really going on here and there are certainly not terrorist attacks every week, who is telling you this stuff?
        I am white but i don’t hate all white people, that is ridiculous, most of my friends are white but i also have some friends who are not white and i don’t like them being attacked, accused of things they have not done and made to feel like they are not welcome here.
        A very good friend of mine who is black, was born here and has lived here all her life was in tears yesterday because for the first time since she was a young girl she was racially abused twice in the same week, around the time these stickers went up coincidentally and i honestly didn’t know about it in my previous posts. I’m not making this up, believe me. She is a Christian too which may have contributed to my forgiving understanding mood here but i just want you to understand real people are getting hurt by all this.
        Different people have different ideas about who is running this planet and who is causing all the problems we have but fighting amongst ourselves and hating people we’ve never met because they think differently is playing right into their hands whoever you think it is.
        And my last word, have a look at the teachings of Christ, don’t bother with the old testament, you wouldnt like it anyway mr.europa or whatever you want to call yourself, its just about the jews really and how they are the chosen people and the later parts of the bible are just letters and musings by the disciples and later followers, as for revelations, i’ll just point out there was an ergot blight in the wheat used to make bread at the time.
        But if you read and understand his teachings and sermons properly it will hopefully make you like yourself a bit more and hate others a bit less which can only be a good thing surely.
        Go in peace my brothers and goodnight.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. “it will hopefully make you like yourself a bit more and hate others a bit less which can only be a good thing surely.” < Why do you falsely accuse me with your strawman arguments of hating others and to like myself more? Sweden grenade attack kills schoolboy – was it gang related? > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHhP9-q5WtE > Inside The Swedish City Where Gun Violence is on The Rise > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcBjvSdhT1k > GRENADE AMNESTY | SWEDEN YES! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUz4oEq2PQQ < and this is just one country in Europe.


      3. Your ability to think critically with an open mind is evidently non existent, you have proved this yourself. “I’m more awake when I’m asleep than when you are awake.” Wow, did you come up with that yourself? Your talent is wasted here.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. …”unlike your president who tries to stop moderate muslims from entering your country then says he’s great friends with the saudis who are the most extreme evil mediaveil muslims on the planet but it’s ok cos they have lots of oil and are rich so you can be friends and sell them weapons to give to isis and oh yeah, most of the 9/11 attackers were from saudi but hey lets just invade afghanistan and iraq and create more terrorists in the process, we can make money off this guys.” BRAVO! Now you understand how the (ZOG) “Zionist Occupied Governments work”. This is their “End Game” > “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East > https://www.globalresearch.ca/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/5324815 Call me conspiracy theorist all you like, but not even you can deny that this is all playing out like text-book. President Assad was elected democratically, Syria had a good standard of living, high literacy rate. Now Syria has civil war, thanks to the (ZOG) in all our nations. Have you ever noticed that any nation that does not have a Rothchild Central Bank soon receives war? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria all have war because they did not have a Rothchild Central Bank. Try and call this a conspiracy theory as well, but try this time to prove me incorrect.


      1. Congratulations! Wonderful people like you (as a last ditch attempt to discredit the character of the adversary supplying the facts) always resort to ad-hominem attacks when the facts presented are contrary and irrefutable.

        Well done ignorant (GS) Goyem Slave, you serve your (NWO) Zionist masters well indeed. I hope that for all your efforts, you are being paid well to sow the seeds of confusion and disunity!


      2. “There is no evidence that any terrorist organization was involved in any of the recent incidents, and the alt-right claims have no basis in fact.”
        “There is a vast gulf between perceptions of rising crime, and actual crimes. (Incidents of reported crime increased marginally from 2015 to 2016, according to the Swedish Crime Survey, which cautions that increased claims of crime don’t necessarily mean that actual crime has surged.) Stockholm, Sweden’s capital, has just been ranked among the world’s top ten safest cities.
        Sweden has accepted the largest number of asylum-seekers per capita of any European nation — and a government survey shows foreigners are 2.5 times more likely to be suspected of crimes — but the fact remains that most offenders are Swedish-born.”
        These clips don’t really back up your claims, in fact we are told that only immigrants are being killed and from what I know nearly all these kind of attacks are committed by right wing anti-immigrant groups so if anything it verifies that fact. These groups often have links to the military and are well funded so will clearly have easier access to grenades than immigrants.
        I know all about Vice which started out as a free magazine for cultured hipster youths and published by posh wanna be rebels, when we had the magazine in the shop I work in they were following and supporting left wing and anarchist protestors, now they are clearly following the trend towards the alt-right, recently they were embedded with an openly fascist paramilitary group in Ukraine so that tells you all you need to know about them and the clip didn’t back up your argument anyway.
        The last one was just superfluous, yes we know weapon amnesties sound ridiculous but they have actually been quite effective and had a positive response when carried out in the past, that’s why they still do it.
        I didn’t actually accuse you of not liking yourself and hating others if you read my post properly, you have a strange way of interpreting things, it’s all starting to make sense now but even if I had it is nothing to all the things you have accused me of being without any basis whatsoever to anything I have said.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Quote > “Sowing seeds of confusion and disunity is exactly what European brotherhood and their ilk are doing, quite successfully as you keep proving.” End quote now you clearly blame me for the actions of the lunatic Anders Behring Breivik, because of my so-called ideology So what is my ideology, then since we know each other very well, you know, your parents lunch with my parents, etc. Can you not see that your strawman arguments are completely baseless in fact? It’s about time you come clean and tell the truth for once in your life!


      4. My friend from down under, your ideology is apparent. It has been from the first time you made your presence known here. Very much so when you, much to my amusement, started pointing fingers and complaining about name calling. Even though you have never had a problem with it.

        Though I may as well be talking to the whaling wall . . . truth is subjective. Not by proper definition. But certainly by modern day use of the term.

        To you, truth is any link or video that fits your chosen reality. Not unlike many of the other ideologues I have written about at different times.
        Its why I don’t lime using truth anymore. Everyone seems to use the term differently, but facts stand up for themselves.

        One of you is in Europe (the UK I believe), and claims not to have come across any “no go zones”. As seems to be backed up. Britain is not a big island!
        The other is not. Far from it in fact. Yet they call the other a lier, and me a propagandist (among other amusing things).
        This is not reason, this is ideology.

        The only other ideology that has ever accused me of working for an entity or spreading propaganda are the anti-GMO types. Another group (industry really) that thrives on public ignorance and fear.


      5. Your double speak would be more convincing if at least you had a basic grasp of the English language, sadly you do not. For example wailing wall is not spelled “whaling wall” as there are no whales in Jerusalem… Liar is is not spelled “lier”.
        You do not even know what my ideology is, my ideology is Jesus. As for your supporting the spread of GMO foodstuffs, well good for you, as it explains why you appear to be nutritionally deficient, and lacking in other areas.
        As for the links I have supplied, you can’t deny the truth forever no matter what type of spin you put on it.
        You continue to obfuscate without any attempt to support your claims, that’s not how life works, sorry mate but it’s clear you have a problem with retaining information, and listening with an open mind.
        You are the sort of person that could be shown a red car and you would say it is blue just to be facetious.
        May all your little ones grow up to be big ones, and my sincere condolences/sympathy to your wife or girlfriend for having to put up with you. Greetings from Europe!


  14. Sowing seeds of confusion and disunity is exactly what European brotherhood and their ilk are doing, quite successfully as you keep proving. You have constantly been jumping to conclusions name calling and being rude and disrespectful. I don’t think we have been doing that, I just came on here to find out who these people were, I then commented that the anger and abuse thrown at the person who first asked the question two years ago made it obvious to me what kind of people we’re dealing with then I was abused and attacked by the same people, proving my point better than I could hope to myself!
    If you believe in a theory that you got from someone else it is up to you to prove it to me if I question it, it’s not my job to disprove it, that’s not how it works, this isn’t scientific theory is it? And proof does not just mean providing a link to the website you got the information from, I have had a few interactions of this type and they always tell me about the extensive research they have done into the subject which inevitably adds up to the person watching one five minute youtube clip made by a nasty ugly lonely young man sat in his bedroom venting his frustration anger and questionable beliefs then finishing by telling you to read animal farm by George Orwell (who was a socialist by the way and fought against fascism).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, where have you gone? You haven’t accused me lately of things I haven’t done, what’s going on? No more “strawman arguments”? George Soros is not happy with you, or that other cockroach spreading lies constantly about things that were never said!


      1. The comment I left was directed to Andrew French, as you well know, yet you answered, so one can only conclude that “mbman* and “Andrew French” are one and the same character, quite laughable, bloody ridiculous actually. You know absolutely nothing about me, yet you put words in my mouth and make false accusations, you generalize, you stereotype, and apparently you know all about my so-called non existent political beliefs. I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned what church I go to, you seem to know just so much about me with all your generalizations. Funny guy!


      2. Me and French are very different people. Our IP’s put us in different countries, whilst yours puts you in Australia.

        But believe whatever you like. Its not the only stupid thing you have admitted to.

        Keep on chiming in. I will not stop you.
        I know you would like to activate an inner censor in myself to prove that your ideology is indeed right. So you can go on about censorship for all our search engine dropped visitors to see.

        But I won’t.

        Unlike those whom flip between using ad Homs with regularity and berating others for using similar tacts, I have principals.


      3. Quote > “Me and French are very different people. Our IP’s put us in different countries, whilst yours puts you in Australia. But believe whatever you like. Its not the only stupid thing you have admitted to. Keep on chiming in. I will not stop you. I know you would like to activate an inner censor in myself to prove that your ideology is indeed right. So you can go on about censorship for all our search engine dropped visitors to see. But I won’t. Unlike those whom flip between using ad Homs with regularity and berating others for using similar tacts, I have principals.” End quote
        < it's clear you're off your medications, I will say a prayer to Jesus for you, you need all the help you can get because your ideology of accusing others constantly of things they never said is just more of the same "strawman" arguments. Quite ridiculous actually. All you have is innuendo, not much of a strength of a way to win any so-called invented argument, but yet you will try because you are not normal in the head. PS – try to be honest for once, your principles are non existent as you have shown time and time again. Funny guy, not everyone is dumb enough to believe your total BS.


      4. You claim to come from Canada yet your spelling is absolutely atrocious, on more than one occasion. If you want to portray yourself as having some semblance of credibility, at least please learn how to spell in the English language you are trying to converse in.

        “Perject” < Is this even a word, I strongly doubt it. Talking about stereotyping and telling actions, by analyzing the contents of comments from the instigator's of nonsense, did you hear about the fatal Amtrack derailment in Washington State (USA)? It has all the hallmarks of a Left Wing ANTIFA terrorist attack against innocent people.

        The more and more I read through your comments, I would not be at all surprised if you are also part of the ANTIFA terrorist organization, as your writings are indeed very similar to ANTIFA terrorist musings. Anyone with half a brain knows that there is absolutely nothing wrong or sinister with wanting to live in peace free from discrimination, but to you this is only reserved to minorities.
        Double standards must reign supreme in your delusional world free from logic and reason.

        What you have shown, the readers here, over and over again is, that you are anti-European, and you are anti-White. Maybe you should go and live in Africa, see how that pans out for you, move to South Africa. Let me know how that pans out for you, you have my contact details, so don't be shy.


      5. “So you want me to move to the whitest part of Africa? Lol.” < correction, move to Nigeria (should be Black enough for you there). Seriously though, you can move to the moon for all I care!

        "Antifa terrorist?" < By your so-called flawed logic and, by the way you write it's definitely cause for some deep suspicion.

        "Oh, you are a funny one. You made my day." < well I'm glad I made your day, which is much more than you can ever do for me.

        Oh, do let me know where you would like me to send you the Collins English dictionary, so you can reference words before you continue to make yourself look like an illiterate fool. Have a great day 😉


      6. As a matter of fact, one of my buddies is from Nigeria. A guy with more personality in one fingertip than you have in the whole of your oh so white body.

        Feel free to keep playing the “You’re an uneducated moron!” card though. The fact that I don’t grasp all of the nuances of one of (if not THE) worlds most complex language does not bother me. Not even a little bit.

        You’re already a glorified Nazi. May as well be a grammar Nazi to lol.


      7. What a beautiful coincidence. One of my best friends is Nigerian also, and he is a boxer. I suppose now your friend is a boxer also. Where you went fundamentally wrong in this thread, is when you started accusing me of things I haven’t done, and accusing me of things I haven’t said. You behaved exactly as directed from the ANTIFA terrorist handbook, to perfection. You created nothing more than “strawman arguments” in most of your posts. In other words you have been arguing with yourself all along, but you are way too ignorant to even realize, and how could you realize because you haven’t even mastered the English language. Every time I posted factual events you basically labelled me a racist, as if I had some bearing on events beyond my control. Clearly, people like you are a danger to themselves, and society. It’s blatantly obvious why you don’t have a partner, who could put up with your nonsense. Please do keep giving me very nice compliments, I wear as badges of honour, please do call me glorified NAZI all you like, you can even call me a fascist, racist, you can even call me White Supremacist if you so desire, but the fact remains you will always be an ANTIFA terrorist coward, no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise, with your holier-than-thou attitude. As for the nuances, that’s nonsense, and you know it. Nuances and spelling errors are completely different subjects and everyone knows it. The fact is you just can’t comprehend the English language fluently, as evidenced in your writings in this thread. If I were you, I would be very ashamed to be so illiterate, but to each his own I suppose. I strongly recommend, that if you wish to be understood in the English language, it would be beneficial if you became fluent in the English language. Suffice to say, you may even gain some respect. You keep going on how White I am, I could be mixed race for all you know. Can you understand now just how ignorant and uneducated you are? Sometimes when we concentrate on the trees we miss the forest entirely, which is exactly what you have done. Peace be with you!


      8. You think I am Antifa. Though I had never taken you very seriously, I certainly don’t now.

        You can’t fix stupid. Which is amusi amusing to say, because the stupids always turn that around.

        Like I give a shit.


      9. “Brotherhood of white scaredy-cats” http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/antifa-domestic-terrorists-us-security-agencies-homeland-security-fbi-a7927881.html > these are some of your ANTIFA terrorist scumbag comrades. Lowlife scum all of them!

        In closing, I will not be surrendering my identity, traditions, and way of life because a mixed-breed twerp is going through an identity crisis and having some bad days. We will never see eye to eye because you don’t even know who you are, let alone anything else. I should have known that from the onset, this thread was about your inferiority complex. Well you just can’t hate people because they are not of mixed race, because that would make you racist, and you are not a racist are you?
        Greetings from across the pond. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, you ANTIFA scumbag!


      10. Well, I glad this is out in the wind for the whole world to see. Everyone who looks into the Brotherhood of white scaredy-cats will see this exchange.

        They will see complaints about censorship, name calling and accusations of membership in an anti-fascist organization. Irony!

        But most of all, it will be clear that THIS is what the brotherhood of pale pigment is all about. Scrape back the fake altruism, and all that is left is self-serving fear. The pale pigment is slowly losing the power it once had to keep everyone and everything under its thumb in line. And they don’t like it!

        I must also say that as someone with a bit of aboriginal in me, it’s amusing that you had previously stated contempt for immigration to essentially be allowed “wherever whites are”. Take a history lesson. Caucasians were once just as barbaric and self-serving as those on your radar. The white race essentially turned the whole world European. And even where not, our fingerprints still often remain to this day. The middle east is rife with examples of European drawn boundaries.

        Humans are warring beasts, loving conquering more than being in peace and harmony. It’s unfortunate that such is generally how major changes happen. But if that is how the white race is to finally lose its grip on the world at large, even I have to chuckle at the karma.

        I don’t hate cohorts. I am beyond such nonsense. However, I am misanthropic in getting general. People tend to love proving themselves not to be worth much more (for example, this long conversation).
        But like every other cynic, its all based on being a disappointed optimist.

        Of all the thing humanity could and SHOULD be focusing on, we’re increasingly turning inward and huddling into groups. As though inflaming international tensions and blaming darker pigmentations is going to save us from climate change.

        If things don’t change, we are doomed. PERIOD.

        Knowing the power of ignorance and how little chance I have of making any headway, I just have to sit back and watch. Watch the idiot apes March on towards the abyss.


      11. Feel free to say a prayer. Say it to Satan for all I care.

        Or Zeus. Thor. Allah.

        Well, I guess it already is sort of is a prayer to Allah. It’s all in the details.


    1. Heard of this guy? Killed 77 Norwegian kids and is becoming a folk hero amongst the alt-right movement for taking a stand against immigration. By killing 77 defenceless fellow Norwegian kids trapped on an island. I’m now gonna leave you to your clueless empty headed opinions and sick ideology. Well done.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Anders Breivik was a nutcase who should have received the electric chair. If you are a human being you can’t deny this for what this animal did to innocent Norwegian children.
        To be honest, I don’t really know much about the alt-right, and I don’t really care about the alt-right, as it’s filled with Jews, queers, and drug addicts. Who knows, maybe they’re your type of people, but they’re definitely not my type of people. As for my “clueless empty headed opinions and sick ideology.” < mind your manners, you know nothing about me, but keep accusing anyway it just makes you look incompetent when you keep throwing labels, and the other person has said no such thing. One day you will wake up!


  15. Quote > “Also, I will never have little ones. The world is to polluted as it is.” “I’m not just talking about people like yourself, either.” < Now there's no need to be a facetious little man, what you need is a nice hobby like a woman for example, maybe a woman can show you how to love instead of using your hand?


  16. mbman – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO5UrSlqM7E&feature=em-subs_digest < this brutal rape by 20 men happened in the no-go zone in Sweden. You know, the zones you say do not exist. You will pay for your crimes of inciting racial hatred against the Europeans, trust me!
    it is very clear that you are a racist against Europeans and Whites. It is also very clear by your posts that you are inciting racial hatred against Europeans, this is a very serious charge, which is not hard to find you guilty of, as it is in your literary works on your website.
    When we take political power, and we will, all those who have incited racial hatred resulting in Europeans being raped, assaulted, and murdered, will be imprisoned or hanging in a tree in the public square for all to see, it is called "capitol punishment".
    It is also clear by your previous posts that you are a 29 year old drug addict homosexual, and most probably a mixed breed, Jew, or a Communist!.
    Either way, for continuously inciting racial hatred against the Europeans, it is a very serious charge, you will get what is coming to you sooner than later.
    Everyone has the right to live in peace, even Europeans have the right to live in peace, you stupid racist homosexual prick. I have supplied you evidence again and again, and you have no rebuttals, other than "strawman arguments". You are a blight on humanity, and any "normal" person would agree with that wholeheartedly. May 2018 punish you everyday for inciting racial hatred on the Internet in this blog for the whole world to see.
    You will be punished, trust me. The world is a very small place, and everyone knows someone. Now because I have said this, you will shit your pants because you are a coward, but it is the truth and you know it. The lies will not hide the truth forever. Let them hate as long as they fear!


      1. mbman – “Yeah, go fuck yourself” “Yeah, go fuck yourself” of yours, when you are swinging in a tree, along with all your other fuck-buddies, you know, all the ones that have incited racial hatred with you against the Europeans. The game you play you will lose, because we do not play games. You’ll always be a degenerate drug addict homosexual with a loose arse, and a blight on humanity. Trust me when I tell you that you will be punished for inciting racial hatred against the Europeans. No one is immune from natures eternal laws, not even you!


  17. Phew, i had to scroll all the way down to post a comment. I just read briefly….interesting indeed. I saw some guy at a ‘wetshaving’ (never understood the term wetshaving since all shavers wet their face before shaving whether they use safety razors or overpriced cartridge razors) forum who had a signature proclaiming his membership of this organization. I did a search on it, and most results listed ‘muslim brotherhood’, till i chanced upon the website in question, and your article.

    I’ll definitely be by to read your article to the full, and will share it on my FB page….

    But my first impressions is that it is a racist organisation. The reason being that their description, which you posted, is ambiguous enough to not lead people to think that it is a brotherhood of all those living in Europe in appreciation of their ethnic/racial variety.

    Secondly, their usage of the word ‘brotherhood’ itself, in a region that is against sexism, itself indicates a call to testosterone-fuelled support. And this is oftentimes, in this context, a venture of those whom are far-right.

    And yes, you are right about the ‘european nationalist’ thing. For them to disregard their own constructed ‘nation’, and call for european unity of europeans, it can only mean those of a white pigmentational inclination. The people who started this site will certainly know that that is what it could be taken to mean, and if they didn’t intend it that way, they would have certainly said so.

    And finally, when i looked at the t-shirts on their banner in the main page, there appeared to be an effort to cover up particular parts of the t-shirts where the words seemed to be ‘European Fighters’. If that is indeed the words on it, then one could plausibly go on to assume that they are a fashionable complement to the Far-Right in Europe. One doesn’t have to start a racist organisation in order to stimulate its growth. The ‘fashionable’ front could just as well be a starting point from which other organisations can step in to articulate the intent behind said fashion.

    Simple logic, i’m sure you’ll agree mb my man.

    Well done. Never mind the historically and culturally-inbred naysayers. They’re simply logically challenged.


    1. Indeed. Just the commentary here on this post is all one needs to see. Which is why I left each and every one of them.

      It’s not as much “freedom of speech” as it is, educational material.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “….the commentary here is all one needs to see.”

        That’s certainly very astute of you man. They have basically supplied the proof. Their narrow views itself indicates how such an organisation will be interpreted. And the said organisation not making it clear enough that they aren’t racist and right-wing nationalist to the point that such commentary is not allayed also indicates that they are exactly that.

        Keep it up man. 😎



  18. Thanks for the explanations, I just saw an idiot wearing a t-shirt promoting this crap. Honestly he did spoil the meaning with his looks and speech, but wanted to be sure. Also, it was a German guy, wich makes it even worse. History is bound to repeat itself.


  19. Well…I didn’t want the brain damage from reading all of the posts. But GEEZ, you put out some info to clarify what these “European Brotherhood” people are about and you get all the wrath and rage. Typical of right wing fascist, racist lunatics. All this, “we just want to preserve our culture!”….BULLSHIT! They want “white” people to be okay and resent “non-white” people or worse than resent. I happened on to this because I took my Dad to the local grocery store in his neighborhood, one of the most Jewish neighborhoods in Denver. Dad and I are Jewish. These people usually have a problem with non whites but you can almost always see problems with Jews for them – even though most will claim to be Christian and the “Christ” part of Christian happened to be a Jewish Carpenter/Teacher/Rabbi named Jesus. Hmmmm. Anyway, I see this white couple -man, woman- shopping. He’s wearing a t shirt with European Brotherhood on the front and and “Pro Border, Pro Gun” or something like that on the back. I wanted to rip his lungs out, but then I remembered I believe in pacifism. Then I wanted to talk with him: ask him if his shirt meant he didn’t want Blacks or Mexicans or Muslims or Jews in America…wanted to see what illogical nonsense he might spew out. In the end, I did the prudent thing and respected his right to wear whatever t shirt he wanted even though it bothered the shit out of me and I said nothing. Anyway, thanks for exposing racist, nationalist bigots.


    1. Thank you for the comment.

      If this post has taught me something, it’s that this is everywhere. I’ve had comments from North America, Europe, Australia and beyond.

      But on the other hand . . . People are also finding this page.

      I may otherwise be powerless in the world. But in the realm of the identity niche that constitutes the European Brotherhood, my flag of defiance stands tall.

      Continued props to the Google algorithm for that.


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